Campbell Ethics Consulting

A few words about consulting, our commitment, and your privacy.


Consulting, not legal representation

Campbell Ethics Consulting offers services that are designed to help organizations build and improve ethical and compliant behavior at work. While this necessarily means that these services will reflect relevant laws and regulations, Campbell Ethics Consulting does not provide legal advice or counseling. Katrina Campbell is a licensed attorney, but is not engaged in the practice of law.

Our Commitment

We are committed to providing your organization with professional, competent and practical services and products. Where confidentiality is desired, we promise to uphold our responsibility to ensure it. If we say we can do it, we will. If we cannot do what you are asking, we will tell you. This is our promise. 


Campbell Ethics Consulting will use your contact information only to contact you directly and to share information with you. We will not sell your information to third parties. This website is hosted by Squarespace, and the official email is hosted by Google. Please check these companies’ privacy policies for more information on their practices. To be safe, do not share confidential information via this website. Call or email us directly and label your message “confidential.”

Should you need legal advice, or legal representation, please contact your state or country’s bar association for recommendations on qualified lawyers.